I said I only kinda get it, and that she should bring something.
Oh Daisy, I think we're boggled at her behavior, not at you getting it. I get anyone being disappointed at the end of a family tradition. But to read that the person who did nothing (except bring other freeloaders) told the women who did all the work that
were selfish to stop doing all the work is different than being disappointed. It's a real stunning sense of entitlement.
(edited for clarity)
DJ, what Cindy said. Totally.
I said I only kinda get it, and that she should bring something.
What the other
two four said. Completely. I was trying to say that what I got from you and what I got from Robin's Cousin were totally, totally different.
edit: Sheesh, people. What with all your level headedness and not being poopyheadedness, I have to edit my posts to note all of the smrt-nesses.
In terms of restraining orders. Yes they do sometimes work. According to some of the people I know who work with battered women, sometimes just having the legal system involved drives home how much they have stepped over the line. There are degrees of crazy; sometimes just getting a slap from the legal system will focus someone's mind. Hope it does so in EM's ex's case.
Hubby and I are going to find a buffet restaurant that's open on T-day, find some newspapers to read to each other, and pig out on food we didn't have to cook on dishes we don't have to wash. I look forward to it.
Oh, I didn't think I was being yelled at, no explaining needed.
I love this from today's spam, "We Didn't Trash Your File is a little history, a little trivia, and a little weird." I think that's a little awesome
if the 80 year olds don't feel like it any more, they get to quit
This right here. No one is stopping Cousin from renting the hall and doing T-giving the way she wants it done.
It's Sparky's birthday?!
Happy, happy birthday, Sparky! I very much hope there's cake and all kinds of happy for you today! What a nice two days, with your news yesterday and your birthday today!