Best. Unemployed. Husband. Ever.
That has to be uncontested. My husband can cook. Will take care of the kids (albeit, he leaves them in jammies all day) and has been known to clean. But never, never all three in one day.
I suspect if he had any length of time off of work, he'd help out between watching UFC on television, eating bologna sandwiches and playing with the kids.
He truly is BUHE.
He is now making dinner.
While I make passes at my friends for him.
While I make passes at my friends for him.
:) I have a burly Canadian here who might have to look disapprovingly at you.
Tell the Burly Canadian that it's really me making the pass.
I'm just blaming it on Joe.
bats eyeashes prettily
I'm afraid I'm going to have to be agnostickal and say I think Fleuvog sounds like some German Natural Philosopher's name for "an dis-ease that afflicts the nasal passages and sinufes with an enflammation followed by an sloughing of the sheath, coupled with an imbalance of bodilly humours."
I know I'm supposed to be all sad that Joe lost his job... but it sure is fun in here.
That last shot of Em is KILLER CUTE!
One of my furry babies got to model something I'm selling on Craigslist. Note the tongue--she was paid in cheese.
How did Em get that big already? She looks like a little girl now, not a baby! She looks so pretty.
GC, does your girlfriend have her job until February (or whenever they're closing down the division)? If so, will she get the raise, for the wages she earns in the meantime?
Yes, she will. There is a silver lining. Everyone at work is freaking out over the outsourcing. Craziness.
I mostly love Fluevog.
Emeline is cute even when she's having a tantrum.
So tired it hurts.
Furry baby! What a cutiehead.
Em is, as ever, adorable. And I recognize that dress!