GC, does your girlfriend have her job until February (or whenever they're closing down the division)? If so, will she get the raise, for the wages she earns in the meantime?
Yes, she will. There is a silver lining. Everyone at work is freaking out over the outsourcing. Craziness.
I mostly love Fluevog.
Emeline is cute even when she's having a tantrum.
So tired it hurts.
Furry baby! What a cutiehead.
Em is, as ever, adorable. And I recognize that dress!
Last shot of the night = fernet = no hangover for me. Well, plus the usual water and tylenol.
Em is not allowed to grow any more. Otherwise she will turn into a 16 year old who drives all over town and is plotting which college to use to bankrupt her parents. Ummmm. Yeah.
Beej, gmail invite insent -- feel free to pass it on if a dozen others have already responded.
amych! Thanks so much. It hasn't come through yet, but I'm excited.
Em is adorable, as always, and Cash's pup is a cutiehead.
{{GC & L}} Um, yay for having time to prepare?
I skipped because I am too far behind. Blah. And I suck at work. I played with the phone system at work last night setting up extensions to ring to people's cell and stuff like that. Upgraded the software and firmware for the system, and today we had no phones all day. And I wasn't in the office to get it fixed. I'll deal with it in the morning. And I suck at home. My next door neighbor died early Sunday morning and I didn't even know. I'd been thinking about him all week and thinking I should visit, and didn't. It's probably been a year since I saw him. I have to go see his wife and kids tomorrow and haven't a clue what to bring or say.
Again I say blah.
Beej, I sent you one too.
Oh, Laura. I am so sorry. That's just a sucky day. But, you do NOT suck. Not one little bit.
Oh, Laura, that's an awful day. Also very sad news about your neighbor. Bad days and a busy life does not, however, have anything to do with how much you do or do not suck.
Also, you do not suck. But I'll totally agree with your blah.
I find it strange that five people at work decided that today was Invite People To Your Holiday Party day. Three Christmas parties and two New Year's Eve parties. Much of the day was spent replying to co-worker emails asking which parties I was going to. Strange day. Blah.