When I lived in Seattle, the natives -- okay, one native -- used to tell me that all I had to do was get outside. That there was actually plenty of light outside to fight it off if I would only go out into the grey drizzle.
I have been trying to get outside and when inside sit near an open window. I have also been using my special lamp for seasonal depression. Nothing is helping. Mom and I are going to do some Christmas shopping tonight. Maybe that'll help.
My seasonal depression seems to have kicked in hard this year. It was later than I expected, and I almost thought I was going to avoid it this year. I'm looking for a hole to crawl into.
Someone just reminded me yesterday to get out my light box. I seem always to forget until it is almost too late.
I envy you for being on Christmas shopping. I'm still working on sister's birthday/BiL's birthday (both on Monday) and Thanksgiving (I don't have a turkey ordered, and I'm worried).
Feel better sj!
I envy you for being on Christmas shopping. I'm still working on sister's birthday/BiL's birthday (both on Monday) and Thanksgiving (I don't have a turkey ordered, and I'm worried).
I feel I am way way behind on Christmas shopping. I haven't even made a proper list yet. I like to get done early so that I don't have a complete meltdown and kill someone at the mall a week before Christmas. I don't have to worry about Thanksgiving except maybe dip and brownies.
I just realized yesterday that I was getting hit by my usual seasonal depression, and I was all "but I'm in California now!", and then my brain was all "western edge of timezone, fucko. You're still getting less sun then you used to."
Way behind on what now?
Yeah, I'm just starting to adjust to the reality that this has to be done. However, I don't know if I need to do it by Christmas, if my family stuff is going to be in January... hmm!
I have mild seasonal depression. I think it's the instability of the weather and change, wanting to hole up to get away from the cold. There's a fine line, for me, between being cozy and being depressed.
Way behind on what now?
I am well aware that I am crazy. I'm also aware that I freak out if I am not mostly done early.
I'm in California
This is what kept me from getting the help I needed for DECADES. I just assumed, that being a CAian meant I was immune. Even knowing that is isn't sunny in CA a lot of the time, just the idea of the Golden State kept me from looking at it realistically. I blame the media!