Yes, this. And well, they have been put upon.
Her noggin was totally squished. Because (I think) she was transverse she not only had the usual just-born flat nose, but a bruise over one eye. I think from when they tried to turn her. Plus the vacuum extraction attempts and the odd moulding really did a number on her scalp.
Her head is rapidly returning to a rounder, less elongated shape though. More in keeping with her cheeks. Her nose seems to be reflating too.
I try not to think of people who also make me think
as hot. Because. But, um, yeah.
David, squished head or not, that is one frickin cute baby. She doesn't resemble any dyspeptic European leader at all.
Sue, that guy is HOT.
He must be hotter IRL, because he barely tweaks my hot meter.
Tell JZ that they are both beautiful.
Man, now I'm jonesing for a newborn to cuddle (not mine! Please, no!)
I have had my yellow fever and thypoid shot. I left my office at 5:10 and was not done until 7:10. It was a combo of being given the wrong address, then getting put at the end of the line.
What a cutie-pie Matilda is! They're both gorgeous.
Oh, and I loved Beverly's dress from the Purple Haze episode. Get a dress just like that!
(Back from Beep Me)
Adorable squishy baby! Hooray!
Worlds collide and make me feel cooler by association: Jane Espenson links to Dress A Day today. [link]