Yeah, I would think that any non-basic-English class that has 'writing' in the title would require basic grammar, punctuation, etc. proficiency.
The most frustrating part is that it wasn't that they weren't capable, it was that they didn't think that it was important. Their attitude was that as long as you understood what they were saying, it was okay.
I've been feeling like the only person in the world who has no interest in seeing it. Every time I see a commercial for it, I want to stick needles in my eyes and run screaming from the room. I don't get it.
oh, most certainly.
grabs popcorn, sits down next to Cass, watches Helen Mirren in The Queen.
Yeah, I don't do the Borat thing, either. I think it's somewhere on the same comedy continuum as Jackass.
::sits in 'don't want to see Borat ever if possible' corner::
I also have no real interest in seeing Borat. I don't think my misanthropy needs extra ammunition.
Oh, thank god. Other Borat-dislikers. I just couldn't figure out what I was missing. I mean, at least Punk'd has Ashton. (What? He's WAY prettier than Cohen.)
I mean, at least Punk'd has Ashton. (What? He's WAY prettier than Cohen.)
To say the very least.
I think the Jackass comparison is dead on. Sorry, bon.
Huh. Having seen no previews or ads for the movie, I assumed Borat was clever and witty. And you're telling me it's like frickin' Jamie Kennedy? How my illusions are shattered.
Also, I am attempting to drink the most NASTY coffee ever. It was free, and I am soooo tired.
And if someone had some up to me on the street and said stuff about wanting my clothes for sex, I'd probably punch them too.
And you'd do it sober in broad daylight!
I'm just saying: It had to have been 2am, everyone involved was probably drunk, Sacha, don't be a jackass.
Have you guys seen this?
I need to send it to my dad now. Frankly, I was getting a little tired of his "you can't support the troops and not support the war" forwards. Maybe this will learn him.