Heh, it's about time you had a good day.
I read all about miniature Guide Horses this morning, which is a definite BP lowering activity. Not only intensely
too. It's a lethal combination! They even have little sneakers....
Then I turned to some of the political blogs, which is interesting reading about what to expect next. For instance, a lot of the talking-head "pundits" are going on about how this has been a big win for Conservatism. Via Atrios, here's what one of the winners last Tuesday (Jon Tester, D-MT) had for his platform:
- supporting renewable and alternative energy sources
- Raising automobile mileage
- Pro-choice
- Protecting public lands
- Country of origin labels for food imports
- Affordable health care
- Enforcing immigration laws for immigrants and employers
- gun rights
- A plan to end the war in Iraq
- Increasing the minimum wage
- Repealing the Patriot Act
- Changing Medicare D to allow price negotiation with drug companies
- No to social security privatization
- Pro stem cell research
- Middle class tax relief
As Atrios says:
A couple of these are identified more strongly with conservatism, and a couple of them are "conservative" or "liberal" depending on the details, but if these are our new conservative democratic overlords, fine by me...
That's a conservatism I could get behind.
I wonder why Conservatives have such trouble saying, "We got bitch-slapped. We need to regroup and convince folks we're right so we can win big next time." Liberals don't seem to have much of a problem doing this. Might be the practice, I'll admit.
ETA: Happy Birthday, Jessica!!!
I think conservatives need to convince the general public that conservatism is still cool and stuff.
ION, Feingold will not seek ‘08 nod
I think a real part of the problem is that most of the current Republicans aren't actually conservative at all, in any real sense of the word.
most of the current Republicans aren't actually conservative at all, in any real sense of the word.
True, dat. The '05 US budget; pre-emptive, unilateral military endevours; legislating people's personal relationships; attempting to overrule the judicial process—this is not the conservativism I grew up with.
This is fun - remember the
article they ran when Bush was inagurated in 2001?
"Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'"
Well, someone went and created links for all the stuff in that article that actually came true. Quite a lot did. Gotta love prescient satire.
Oh, sweet dog. That's terrifyingly, depressingly hilarious. Thanks, tommyrot.
Thanksgiving is going to be a non-event for me this year--and hopefully by the time Christmas rolls around it'll be less painful to travel.
ita, you're welcome to join us for Thanksgiving if you'd like. Aimee and Miracleman and ND and I are co-hosting a local orphans' Thanksgiving at our house. I'll stick you on the evite just in case.
ION, gronk. Stupid internal alarm clock, don't you know it's Sunday morning? LET ME SLEEP IN.