OK, so my safeway card (I'm nominally neutral negative on shopper cards, but..I shop there regularly) says I get a 10cent/gallon discount on gas through the end of the month. But doesn't tell me how. Lame!
Sadly I qualify for this discount way more than I want to. (You get it only when spending $50 or more on groceries.) Just use your discount card - either by inserting into the same slot you insert your debit or credit card into or by handing it to the cashier and letting them slide it before you pay by any means (including cash).
At one of
gas stations.
At least that is how Vons did it in California and they are the same company.
Huh. Am reading the latest
Vanity Fair.
They predicted Rumsfeld's ouster weeks ago (the column was written maybe a week before the election?).
Rummy... is, let's face it, dead. He's gone at any moment.
Hey, LJ tells me that today is Jess' Birthday! I don't know if they mean the 11th (today my time) or the 12th (today Jess' time), but
Birthday happies Jess!!!
ION, there's a penguin in Japan that likes to go shopping. No, really. He wears a little backpack, and he walks to the neighborhood fishmarket. They give him a fish to eat and put one in his little backpack. Then he goes home.
He's a pet - his family rescued him ten years ago and he refused to leave. [link]
eta: Should pro'lly mention this is a video.
Skipping lots and lots and poking hed to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Jessica's birthday. Happy birthday, Jessica! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year.
Also, yesterday, the 11th, was Penny B's birthday. I hadn't seen posts from her in forever, but I hope the belated well wishes find their way to her, somehow.
Where's the "Put it on my bill?" There was supposed to be a "Put it on my bill!"
t /Marvin the Martian
Happy birthday Jessica!
It's pretty apparent that if you want me out, showing up and my house and taking me out is the way to do it. Actually, I'm really happy with today. Not only is there the baby-saving stuff (gravy), but I managed to teach, do lunch with friends, and then celebrate a birthday with other friends.
Oh, and win $20 on a stupid bet I was bound to win anyway. It's matters of lust. Don't argue with me.
Only problem with tonight is that one of the double-sided tape applications I deemed necessary seppukued during the evening. So, showing more cleavage than planned. At least the other two stayed faithful to the cause, or I'd have had to hide out in the parking lot.
Today is a win. Go team careful segregation of migraines!
Today, last night, whatever.
Heh, it's about time you had a good day.
I read all about miniature Guide Horses this morning, which is a definite BP lowering activity. Not only intensely
too. It's a lethal combination! They even have little sneakers....
Then I turned to some of the political blogs, which is interesting reading about what to expect next. For instance, a lot of the talking-head "pundits" are going on about how this has been a big win for Conservatism. Via Atrios, here's what one of the winners last Tuesday (Jon Tester, D-MT) had for his platform:
- supporting renewable and alternative energy sources
- Raising automobile mileage
- Pro-choice
- Protecting public lands
- Country of origin labels for food imports
- Affordable health care
- Enforcing immigration laws for immigrants and employers
- gun rights
- A plan to end the war in Iraq
- Increasing the minimum wage
- Repealing the Patriot Act
- Changing Medicare D to allow price negotiation with drug companies
- No to social security privatization
- Pro stem cell research
- Middle class tax relief
As Atrios says:
A couple of these are identified more strongly with conservatism, and a couple of them are "conservative" or "liberal" depending on the details, but if these are our new conservative democratic overlords, fine by me...
That's a conservatism I could get behind.
I wonder why Conservatives have such trouble saying, "We got bitch-slapped. We need to regroup and convince folks we're right so we can win big next time." Liberals don't seem to have much of a problem doing this. Might be the practice, I'll admit.
ETA: Happy Birthday, Jessica!!!