But he was so earnest about it.
Yes he was. My favorite thing about that was when he went to the counter and we thought he was done talking to us but he just got a drink of water, came back and sat down with us.
You weren't there for the classic Cowboy moment. Tara and I were in Subway and he pressed his face up to the window and stuck his dentures out at Tara.
Oh my doG, I don't think I ever heard that story.
I think Tara was a little put off her lunch. I thought it was hilarious.
Left you a voicemail earlier. Wondering about your plans tomorrow.
Huh. Lemme go listen. I'll email you.
Word of advice to anyone who likes the wilderness survival shows on Discovery: Do what Survivorman does. Don't do what Man Vs. Wild Guy does. I just saw Survivorman for the first time a week or so ago, and love the show because he clearly knows what he is doing. I did a lot of wilderness survival stuff when I was a teenager, and some of the things I remember are among Survivorman's generally excellent advice. Actually, don't do everything he does, because he also demonstrates how people in bad situations make fatal or near-fatal errors, so when he does something that makes him look 10 years older in about 10 minutes, don't do that.
Anyone doing what the Man Vs. Wild Guy does, on the other hand, will die. That show has the guy giving horrible advice, over and over again. For instance, if you're lost in the desert, don't try to swim down stagnant water in a box canyon. The dead animal floating in the water means STAY AWAY, not JUMP IN, THE WATER'S FINE. If, while taking an ill-advised swim through stagnant water in a box canyon, you encounter debris blocking your way, do not try to swim under it. If you do, you could get hung up on the debris, caught in a narrow crevice, or just simply run out of air and drown. Another thing: you don't have four minutes of air. Considering how dehydrated you are, a minute is pushing it. When you reach the inevitable 30 ft wall at the end of your box canyon (If you're MVW Guy, you may be asking yourself: not a river? Really, this stagnant water that is not running anywhere doesn't go to a river?), don't try to climb out chimney-style unless you happen to be an expert mountain climber with gear. If you didn't have, say, a camera crew, an EMT, and a survival guide onhand to help you do these proposterous things, you would most likely die. Which gets to my final beef with the show: the clearly superior Survivorman tapes himself demonstrating wilderness survival techniques for 7 days under worst-case scenarios, but the MVW guy has cameras shadowing him and thanks his crew at the end of the show. Fuckin' wuss.
One last thing: if you are caught in quicksand (which is something different than what happens to MVW Guy when he claims to be caught in quicksand), don't struggle with it, for god's sake. Geez, I hate that guy and hate that the Discovery Channel is billing his show as something people can learn from.