Yup. I guess the one thing that might come up again is that
Candace was telling Adam that Jonathan had been talkinng all kinds of smack about him. It was really kind of weird - she went on about it for so long that I started to wonder if she was making it all up. Adam wasn't wondering, though, and almost switched the vote back to J until Nate talked him out of it.
I'm liking
Nate less and less as we see more of him.
Kind of the reverse of
And Yul is still
smoking hot.
Yeah, he really is, brenda. Right now,
Yul's my pick to win.
wind-up of Adam was kind of impressive, even though it seemed kind of high-schoolish. We don't know whether J. is talking shit about Adam or not, but it certainly shouldn't matter to Adam to the extent it did.
I just realized my dad is the same age as Ed Bradley was. I used to watch 60 minutes with dad every week. I'm really trying to not think too hard.
How much do I love it that when mom does a good presentation, she calls to tell me? A lot.
My dad is a year older than Ed Bradley. I hate thinking about that kind of mortality.
I'm really sick of Ohio. They are delaying counting the provisional ballots in the Pryce/Kilroy House race so it doesn't disrupt the Ohio State/Michigan football game! WTF? I hate Buckeye football.
I'm sure my brother's inlaws are pleased.
that was really cheap of me. Blame holidays.
My parents are going to live forever, and that's all there is to it. I have been informed by my brother that once the second grandkid has been born, they've fulfilled their genetic destiny. Gotta love my brother.
About two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with the same kind of cancer that Ed Bradley had (it's a type of cancer that a lot of old men get), and he's already 15 years older than Ed Bradley. Just not thinking about it.
Someone mentioned shuttle bathtoys earlier. I've begun contemplating xmas and b-day shopping for the nephew. If these are 4 year old happy making, hook me up?
Also, this time last year, I was in New York. I'm totally wishing I was there again.
This time last year, I was...here. But in 10 days, I'm gonna be in California. Whee! And oh shit, I have a lot to do.