I'm sure my brother's inlaws are pleased.
that was really cheap of me. Blame holidays.
My parents are going to live forever, and that's all there is to it. I have been informed by my brother that once the second grandkid has been born, they've fulfilled their genetic destiny. Gotta love my brother.
About two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with the same kind of cancer that Ed Bradley had (it's a type of cancer that a lot of old men get), and he's already 15 years older than Ed Bradley. Just not thinking about it.
Someone mentioned shuttle bathtoys earlier. I've begun contemplating xmas and b-day shopping for the nephew. If these are 4 year old happy making, hook me up?
Also, this time last year, I was in New York. I'm totally wishing I was there again.
This time last year, I was...here. But in 10 days, I'm gonna be in California. Whee! And oh shit, I have a lot to do.
Yeah, I heard about Bradley's age and thought, "Gee, my dad's 80—Bradley was so young!" Except, well, not really. However, Dad's informed me that he's going to live until my niece (now 15) gets married, and she's not allowed to do that until she gets her law degree. So there's clearly some breathing room, even if she is all smart and such.
My parents talk like they're going to die any day now. This is probably partially to encourage us to breed, but we're old too. And stubborn. And relentlessly unpartnerable.
It's a shame. It's a good line of genes, I swear. As long as I can find some way to neutralise the migraine stuff.
I firmly believe my parents' genes and philosophy should be continued. Which is why I'm so glad my SIL and brother overcome all forms of birth control! I don't have to do shit and get to play with wee ones.
Considering the alcoholism and the mental illness that runs in the family, you'd have thought my parents would have been less eager to have grandchildren. Not so.
I can only watch my kids and hope we at least skipped some of the crazier alleles.
Some of my Wire-watching bunkies already passed on Madam Speaker's connection to the City that Bleeds, Hecubus. Still an awesome story, though
My favorite part is that as a kid she kept her Dad's ledger of political favors. He marked ever favor given and every favor owed in a giant ledger. That'll teach you a thing or two about politics. Everybody's all "SF liberal" but she's a hard hitting East Coast machine politics vet, Italian Catholic. She rode hard on the Dems to toe the line on voting (88%!) and in a race that depended on propriety ousted Jefferson from a key post when he was caught dirty.