Well, I'm all for trying not to say things to total strangers that you'd be embarrassed to have them repeat to your mother, but even so I think finding my drunken ramblings in a nationally-released movie would be an unfairly harsh punishment for having done so.
Which is to say, sounds like they're assholes, but that doesn't mean they necessarily deserve to have everyone in the entire world made aware of it.
Emily! Hi! What are you doing tomorrow night??
Jesse and bon bon and Jessica totally need to do this, as does Polgara.
I'm flattered, but I suspect I'd be out of my league.
Contracts signed while plastered still hold, right?
I heard on the radio this morning that Wal-Mart is lowering their prices on small appliances to attract more holiday shoppers, so if anyone is willing to look past the fact that it is Wal-Mart we're talking about here, they can pick up a coffeemaker or toaster cheap(er).
Contracts signed while plastered still hold, right?
We'll see during the Britney/K-Fed divorce proceedings.
Contracts signed while plastered still hold, right?
Good question. Could you argue that you were not of sound mind when you signed? and that the other party knew that and took advantage of you?
Emily! Hi! What are you doing tomorrow night??
You're expecting me to plan? Er. I don't know!
Right now, waiting for across-the-hall!teacher to call me so we can go to school on our day off. Yay!
A team of Jesse, bon bon and Bob would be unbeatable.