I am starting to hate Thanksgiving.
Duude! No! Thanksgiving is the next best holiday after Halloween!
1) We get a four day weekend. No other holiday do we get that for.
2) You don't have to go to church
3) You don't have to go home--you CAN, but if you go to a friend's family, or gather friends together, or bring home a random foreign grad student, or go to the beach, it's all good. Thanksgiving is a WELCOMING holiday.
4) You eat lots of yummy food
5) You can watch football, or movies, or go shopping the next day.
6) Did I mention the food?
1) We get a four day weekend. No other holiday do we get that for.
I just got a four-day weekend for a horse race. I love this city.
Shrift, I've heard good things about Uptown Animal Hospital [link] In fact, I should check this place out. My girls will be needing their annual soon.
I am Thanksgiving alone by choice and honestly, packing and taking in the last opportunity to relax and sleep in.
I am Christmasing with mac in a small way.
I hate, loathe and want to rip Fox a few new orifices.
Okay, not news. But kinda needed to share. Again.
1) We get a four day weekend. No other holiday do we get that for.
I only get the one day off.
I get a four day weekend for Thanksgiving and I've asked for Wednesday and Monday off too. (I haven't heard yet whether I'm going to be able to take them.)
Well, my GA tape messed up. This worries me. They are still repeating it on Friday night, right?
Shrift, I've heard good things about Uptown Animal Hospital
Ooh! Thank you! I'm pinging her with the information now.
I hate, loathe and want to rip Fox a few new orifices.
The news channel, or did they cancel something again?
t /not really here, trying to go to sleep
Anyone wants to, they're welcome in SF for our Orphan's T-Day. A bunch of food & bar industry types cooking & baking for their friends. Food is gonna be gooooooood, booze will be copious, avoidance of cranky-making people will be total. The best bit is that it's being hosted by a Canadian and an Irishman.
It's nice to be looking forward to T-Day again.