I'm a little Pol Pot, short and stout!
One time my parents and I were Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, and Nana the dog. That was cute. It was the year I had a gymnastics recital, which furnished the light green leotard with fluttery sleeves which was, I'm sure, inspiration for the whole thing.
Every time you people say "Serpentine," it only makes me have "Welcome to the Jungle" in my head.
Joe and are thinking Tink, Peter, and Cap'n Hook. Or Superman, SuperGirl, and Beppo the SuperMonkey. (I prolly already posted this idea.)
Serpentine makes me think of my mechanic and how I really need to take the car in for an oil change....
Pretty sure my parents never dressed up when I was growing up.
My mom used to dress as Wonder Woman a lot.
And my Dad, at 6' 7" could be creepy in a Wookiee mask.
I remember the time my parents went to a grownup Halloween party. Mom really worked hard making their costumes--he went as Caesar, she as Cleopatra. He had the full toga gear, complete with purple outer robe and laurel leaf crown, and she had a very pretty gown with a brown wig in Elizabeth-Taylor-as-Cleopatra 'do and my brother's rubber snake pinned to her chest in biting mode.
I'm pretty damned sure my parents never dressed as anything, and if they did, it's in a context of which I don't want to think.
Mad Max costumes. I don't like the Aunty Entity much, although much work went into that bad boy. I'd like to marry the guard, though.
My mom and dad dress up as couples a lot. My favorites were The Killer Bees from SNL and the purple two-headed monster from Sesame Street.
the purple two-headed monster from Sesame Street.
I was that, or at least A purple two-headed monster, in fifth grade with my best friend. We made our costume out of sheets that we dyed and sewed together.
My mom once made into a little green elf, which was the cutest thing ever. Except she made me little booties -- out of felt. They were pretty much gone by the time we'd gone one block.
My favorite costume was the year I was Raggedy Ann. I had a huge doll, as big as I was, and I actually wore her clothes, and my mom made me a red yarn wig.
My sister dressed up as Raggedy Ann when we shared an apartment after graduating from college. She was working part-time at Joann Fabrics, made her own costume and wore it to work that night. She came home, telling me about a little girl in a stroller whose eyes bugged out when she saw Kris, and kept pointing her out every time she caught sight of her in her outfit, saying, "Rag Ann! Rag Ann!!"