I'm pretty damned sure my parents never dressed as anything, and if they did, it's in a context of which I don't want to think.
Mad Max costumes. I don't like the Aunty Entity much, although much work went into that bad boy. I'd like to marry the guard, though.
My mom and dad dress up as couples a lot. My favorites were The Killer Bees from SNL and the purple two-headed monster from Sesame Street.
the purple two-headed monster from Sesame Street.
I was that, or at least A purple two-headed monster, in fifth grade with my best friend. We made our costume out of sheets that we dyed and sewed together.
My mom once made into a little green elf, which was the cutest thing ever. Except she made me little booties -- out of felt. They were pretty much gone by the time we'd gone one block.
My favorite costume was the year I was Raggedy Ann. I had a huge doll, as big as I was, and I actually wore her clothes, and my mom made me a red yarn wig.
My sister dressed up as Raggedy Ann when we shared an apartment after graduating from college. She was working part-time at Joann Fabrics, made her own costume and wore it to work that night. She came home, telling me about a little girl in a stroller whose eyes bugged out when she saw Kris, and kept pointing her out every time she caught sight of her in her outfit, saying, "Rag Ann! Rag Ann!!"
We thought about a mini-Galadriel for Em. Not sure if she'd keep the eartips on though.
We thought about a mini-Galadriel for Em.
Ooh! Very cool.
every time she caught sight of her in her outfit, saying, "Rag Ann! Rag Ann!!"
Sadly, Sara would have no idea who Raggedy Ann is. Right now she's veering between wanting to be a dinosaur, a butterfly, a princess, and something I can't remember.
I don't like the Aunty Entity much, although much work went into that bad boy.
That's very drag queeny for an actual, you know, woman.
My favorite bit from Top Model this week: "She looks like a drag queen in this picture!" "Yeah, I like that about her!"
Watch the original In-Laws--it's the preferred CIA method of running when dodging bullets, according to Peter Falk in the film.
Okay, thanks.
Dodging bullets, catching swords, engine belts. One of these is not like the other.