I'm trying so hard to avoid calling up some conservative-leaning friends and doing an "In your FACE!!!" It's much harder than I would have anticipated, given that I'm being very cautious in my optimism.
I texted one last night: Feeling Blue?
Maybe just make chicken noises at Rummy? I'm finding it very pleasurable.
does dance of shimmy-ness
DH often sent me links to rants - and I found I couldn't read them - esp if I agreed with them. But then Ihave always believed in measured , logical response.
I am feeling very happy today, like my counry isn't quite as crazy as it felt.I'm not sure what I want, but I know I'd like to see some positive helpful things ( an actual plan in Iraq that will get people home, a move towards national healthcare , and maybe some better communications between polcie, fire, hospitals, the national guard, etc for times of trouble, both natural and the much rarer man made distaters). dreams.
I get you, Cindy. I never like to read hateful rants, either, especially in the service of something I agree with. It's definitely human to wish ill on others, but I wish that those aligned with what I consider the more humanist political positions could keep those thoughts on the inside.
I'm ashamed to admit I do sometimes enjoy watching the "WOES!" sorts of posts, when I'm not sympathetic to the cause. I think probably comes from the same place that little "In your FACE!!!" feeling comes from, that Frank mentions.
I am feeling very happy today, like my counry isn't quite as crazy as it felt.I'm not sure what I want, but I know I'd like to see some positive helpful things ( an actual plan in Iraq that will get people home, a move towards national healthcare , and maybe some better communications between polcie, fire, hospitals, the national guard, etc for times of trouble, both natural and the much rarer man made distaters). dreams.
I'm actually getting all teary about that the fact that the Constituion clearly works. I was truly beginning to fear for the seperation of powers.
Don't make me believe in Democracy again, Trudy. Just don't go there.
honestly, I feel like I can breathe.
Mom just called me at work to let me know Rumsfield stepped down, she wanted to make sure I knew as soon as possible. I love my Mom.
honestly, I feel like I can breathe.
Yeah. I feel like "It's about fucking time." Because I really was hoping the electorate would hold Bush and the Republicans accountable back in '04.