Capable focus on undoing the harm that's been done to this country's rights and freedoms over the past few years is certainly the top item on my wish list for the 110th Congress.
I'll settle for Bush enjoying the same sort of warm, supportive relationship with the legislature over the next two years that Clinton had during his years in office. Because, quite frankly, I don't think he'll have the maturity or strength of character to stand it when the rubber stamp he's used to getting from Congress starts reading "NO."
Oh, I won't object if we get those other things.
Habeus corpus first, though.
I don't want impeachment, but I do want hearings on contracting practices, on the intelligence failure (or misleading) that got us into Iraq, and an ethics committee that looks into bribery. Not any Christmas card list abuse issues though.
True, but I don't think it's irrelevant that wingnut bloggers have bigwig wingnut pundits to quote from, while insano-leftist bloggers have to make up their own rants.
So like...our batshit insane are creative self-starters.
Sorry, didn't mean to pile onto you, Cindy.
No sorries necessary, Corwood. I didn't feel piled on. I just wasn't going to defend an argument I didn't make in the first place.
Oh, and I want the Iraq IG's office back. Someone snuck a provision into a bill eliminating the IG's office. You know, the one that discovered the misspending and fraud from Halliburton? Yeah, it needs to be back.
BTW, anyone wanting to listen to any of these people, can stream Air America. Al Franken is on right now talking to candidates. I highly recommend Jerry Springer (really), but I'm not sure when he's on.
My biggest fear is not that the new Congress will try to do too much (although that has loads of potential for disaster, particularly if impeachment comes into it, much as I'd like to see it happen), but, rather, much as the Dems rolled over and played dead for the last six years because they were terrified of losing what little they had to the GOP (which wasn't much), they'll be so terrified of losing their new narrow majority (and have their eyes so dead set on '08) that they won't do anything substantial for the next two years, or, worse, keep rubber stamping ostensibly compromised versions of Bush's agenda.
anyone wanting to listen to any of these people, can stream Air America.
Bah. It's not loading for me. Their servers must be taking a big hit.
eta: OK, now it's loading.
So like...our batshit insane are creative self-starters.
More like our batshit insanos are not part of a mainstream organized political movement.
I want all of those things.
I want a government that admits that governing is a responsibility, not a game to be won or a right to be abused. Also, that things like roads and firefighters and the National Institutes of Health are nice things, and should not be neglected just because they're not sexy.