The fact that there are ugly Dems you can point to doesn't change the fact that in the predominant liberal community these folks are outliers. In right-wing circles they're thought leaders.
I think what's scariest is that they're obviously popular (if that word applies here) because so many people listen to them. They're tapping into something in this country's consciousness. And it's pretty nasty.
It just involves llamas instead of porn.
Actually, there were llamas
gay porn, as I distinctly remember.
I'm trying not to gloat.
I'm just happy to feel relieved. I'm dubious about how much is really going to change, and I fear the rhetorical bile being spewed is going to get worse not better (if craxy right felt oppressed and vindictive when their people were in control of everything, just imagine how they're going act when they're not). But at least I don't feel gloated at this morning.
I quite like Al Franken, as it turns out. But there's Randi Rhodes and Sam Seder with every bit as much vitriol as anything I've ever heard on the right.
From Jess's course link:
I had a mistake in an equation I wrote on the blackboard today, when I wrote an equation for the electric power lost to resistence in a wire. Of course, I said that you don't have to know that equation... But I left out the square on the current. So here is the correct equation, which you still don't need to know...
And, I love this guy's policies!
Cheating:. Two years ago I flunked two students who were talking to each other on the final exam. (They said that they were only discussing how to spell a word.) I consider that very light punishment. In the future, I am determined not to be so lenient.
Half of the homework grade will be based on the quality of the writing. Imagine that you are briefing the U.S. President on an issue that you consider important. Your essay should be a pleasure to read! You will lose credit if you have more than one mispelling, or have any error in grammar (run-on sentence etc.). If English is not your primary language, please state your primary language at the beginning of the email.
A fundamental requirement is that you must come to lectures. Absence will be excused if email is sent to me before the missed lecture, and if it contains a reasonable excuse (e.g. you were killed in a terrorist incident, you have to be away to compete in a sporting event, or your boy/girl friend had to be picked up at the airport). Don't make up excuses; if you do, and I find out, you will get an F in the course.
The fact that Rush and O'Reilly have a large audience is terrifying.
I had a fun moment this morning. I was drowsing in bed listening to the radio, and some asshole was talking about the "surprise upset" and I just yelled out "It's not a surprise, people are PISSED". It amused me so, I started laughing and actually got out of bed on time (as opposed to the perpetual hitting of the snooze button, aka The Tool of Satan)
The fact that Rush and O'Reilly have a large audience is terrifying.
But at least both of their audiences have declined recently.
I quite like Al Franken, as it turns out. But there's Randi Rhodes and Sam Seder with every bit as much vitriol as anything I've ever heard on the right.
I feel exactly the same. I don't like the Randi Rhodes and Sam Seder shows at all, but Franken is pretty good.
Vortex, I could see individual races described as upsets (at the beginning of the year, who'd have thought Webb had a chance?). Not the general result as a whole.