bt, Lieberman (was he an incumbent? I don't recall. Ran as VP a bit back ) lost in the Democratic primary against Lamont. He decided to run as an independent. Kinda tacky. And I kinda dislike him immensely anyway.
Well, yeah, but that's Connecticut, not Vermont, right? Did Vermont go Independent out of sympathy?
psst, sarameg, Lieberman is Connecticut -- there actually is a repug in the race there, but the party pretty much left him to twist in the wind.
Anyway, bt, Vermont's guy is our token socialist. And all the dems vote for him anyway. And I edited out the part where I mixed up not having a republican in the race with not having a democrat in the race.
Michael Capuano (D-MA)
Mayor Mike! I heart him.
But possibly not as much as I heart the Girls of Fug. The entry before the Letter of Fug is awesome as well -- it's (the actors who play) Burke and Addison from Grey's Anatomy with Doogie and Willow.
psst, sarameg, Lieberman is Connecticut
argh. I always used to get those weird teeny NE states confused in elementary
t ducks
I guess that hasn't changed.
Hey, I get the big square states mixed up -- we're even!
Anyway, Lieberman is indeed an incumbent, and loathesome. The fact that he's getting the vast, vast majority of the R votes in CT says a lot about his true colors, I think.
A capella version of "Living on a Prayer" -- Also loved Lane as babysitter.
Hey, what's the deal with the Vermont Senate race? Is there a reason why the Dems aren't running a candidate? I gather the Independent (who's looking good to replace Jeffords) is closer to the Dems than Republicans, but I was wondering what the story was.
Bernie Sanders is Vermont's incredibly popular only Representative, and a Socialist.
He actually secured the Democratic nomination for Senator, but once he got it, he renounced it, just to make sure that no Democrat would run against him. He's a Democrat in every way except in name.
Is the live TDS now? I want the damn elections called already!
He actually secured the Democratic nomination for Senator, but once he got it, he renounced it, just to make sure that no Democrat would run against him. He's a Democrat in every way except in name.
Ok, I find that very entertaining. I like Vermont more and more.
In another 'V' state (startiing with V, not overrun with human-devouring lizard-creatures), I bring the news that when George Washington ran for the Virginia legislature in 1758, over 50% of his recorded expenses were for booze. Oh, and in the early 1900s, X-ray glasses (bogus) were offered for sale, prompting a London clothing shop to offer lead-lined women's undergarments in response.
Hey, I get the big square states mixed up -- we're even!
That's funny. I was good with the western states. Could tell you what notches identified what absent of other comparisons. But those weird wiggly ones... that took a bit.