I have voted. My polling place is mac's school's cafeteria. There were 2 sets of polling observers!! 2 SETS!!
And now watching PBS people talk about whether or not the federal government should take over monitoring polling places. I think someone was actually arguing that they should so that it will be uniform. I wonder if this person has flown in the last few years. Cause the TSA? NOT UNIFORM PRACTICES!
ION, I just sold a piece of furniture. $50 and ROOOMMMM in my living room. YAY!
YIKES! Dixie Carter looks VERY Joan Crawford.
Where is my NCIS!!??!!
Internet good. I'm keeping track of results on CNN. Well, 'results' might be a bit strong. But they're calling the Ohio governorship for Strickland. And I'm learning that the Michigan governor is facing the former head of Amway, of all people (I bet he's got a great door-to-door campaign network). I like your elections, they understand the notion of spectacle. And tasering 7-year-old moppets.
I voted this morning at around 7:30. Well over 200 people got there before me, and I had to stand in line. Apparently turnout's been pretty intense, for midterms.
That's one thing I don't like about the ebooks. I used to be able to watch as they signed me in, and that showed me what voter # I was.
I voted. One of the poll ladies said it's been a very heavy turnout! Even when it's not a terribly contested election here in MA.
(My Representative is a Democrat, and the only organized opponent is Socialist-Worker. The Republicans didn't even field a patsy against him....)
Hey, what's the deal with the Vermont Senate race? Is there a reason why the Dems aren't running a candidate? I gather the Independent (who's looking good to replace Jeffords) is closer to the Dems than Republicans, but I was wondering what the story was.
Sometimes the local Dems or Repubs conclude that it's just throwing good money away to oppose a candidate who is basically either in tune with their worldview or so far ahead that there's no point.
As an example, I'll give you past-Mayor of Somerville, Michael Capuano (D-MA) who is running almost unapposed -- except for the Socialist-Worker candidate. No Republicans ran against him this time around. I wasn't even aware until today that he was up for re-election, so I guess he didn't have to do a lot of politicking....
bt, Lieberman (was he an incumbent? I don't recall. Ran as VP a bit back ) lost in the Democratic primary against Lamont. He decided to run as an independent. Kinda tacky. And I kinda dislike him immensely anyway.
It smells AWFUL outside. Like unwashed teenager.