That's just because you're waiting for the day when you can release your own clone army onto an unsuspecting public.
Damn, how did you know?
a small point--but BIG issue in Ohio, rules for setting investment management for the Bureau's money.
What, they don't like investing in coin collections?
Thanks, Cash. That sounds like substantial reform. Interesting. (Obviously, I'm not a worker's compensation wonk, just trying to keep abreast for work reasons.)
We get to vote on this constitutional amendment:
The tradition of fishing and hunting and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the public good.
It's a bad idea, but it sounds so innocuous it will probably pass. It has the potential to, for example, prevent the city of Decatur from having laws against shooting at game animals downtown. "No, officer, I have this shotgun because I'm going dove hunting on the square."
The rest, except for an eminent domain amendment whose language is suspect to me, are all narrow special interest nonsense.
It's a mixed bag--compensation computation, sexual assult, protecting private information of injured workers, allowing limited work in certain environments for injured workers with head injuries, self insurance rules and a small point--but BIG issue in Ohio, rules for setting investment management for the Bureau's money.
You know, I've never lived in a referendum state, but I can't help but think that Joe Public is really not the person to be answering these questions.
What, they don't like investing in coin collections?
You haven't heard the story? Heh.
(Sorry, kinda' busy. Someone else'll have to explain.)
OK, people are being weird on the phone today. "I need help installing hte program, but I don't know the details of what's being going wrong. I'm not at the computer, and it kept doing stuff, and stuff kept coming up saying it was wrong. Can the person who's trying to install the program call back later?"
Also, "Your program isn't backwards compatible, right?" "No, it isn't, sorry." "Can I send a file from my current version to someone with an earlier version?" "Um, no, I'm sorry, the program isn't backwards compatible." "Oh."
That sounds like substantial reform. Interesting. (Obviously, I'm not a worker's compensation wonk, just trying to keep abreast for work reasons.)
It's really sort of interesting. Besides the whole state-getting-taken-for-millions-from-a-Bush-pioneer issue, I used to work in the industry so I was interested in the scope of the ballot initiative.
You know, I've never lived in a referendum state, but I can't help but think that Joe Public is really not the person to be answering these questions.
Ohio is just one of five states that is state funded for workers' compensation. Employers pay workers' compensation insurance premiums to the state. I guess that gives voters a more vested interest in how the Bureau and the Industrial Oversight Commission operates in this state.
I wuz robbed! No stickers at my polling place. Is that even legal?
No lines, though, and shrift, they did not ask me for any ID. Which they're really not supposed to do anyway.