That sounds like substantial reform. Interesting. (Obviously, I'm not a worker's compensation wonk, just trying to keep abreast for work reasons.)
It's really sort of interesting. Besides the whole state-getting-taken-for-millions-from-a-Bush-pioneer issue, I used to work in the industry so I was interested in the scope of the ballot initiative.
You know, I've never lived in a referendum state, but I can't help but think that Joe Public is really not the person to be answering these questions.
Ohio is just one of five states that is state funded for workers' compensation. Employers pay workers' compensation insurance premiums to the state. I guess that gives voters a more vested interest in how the Bureau and the Industrial Oversight Commission operates in this state.
I wuz robbed! No stickers at my polling place. Is that even legal?
No lines, though, and shrift, they did not ask me for any ID. Which they're really not supposed to do anyway.
There was drama at my polling place today. There's this machine with a dial-y thing. It's kind of like an iPod, actually. Anyway, this woman walked away from the machine, threw her number on the floor (you get a randomly generated number to activate the machine) and walked out yelling "I didn't vote". They tried to ask her what happened, but she just stormed out. I thought that she looked a little craxy, and then I saw her talking to the Republicans.
I think that I'll take some hot chocolate to the volunteers tonight after I get home from work.
I wuz robbed! No stickers at my polling place. Is that even legal?
No. The only solution is an armed revolution of the masses.
Many years ago, I got an "I voted" sticker - I stuck it on my roomate's Cylon action figure. For many years the proud Cylon Centurian stood guard over our living room....
there are 10 are 12 ballot measures. or maybe 15. the eminent domain one is one of those that looks good , until you realizes the greater implications. and some are so complex that you can only guess what they mean. and some are stupid. over the years my favorite was the one that said that pet horses couldn't be sold to the meat industry.
Oh, I love
David and Mary.
And I hear that Top Chef interview is really good, but I do wish they had a transcript instead of just audio.
ION, my boss quit. Really happy for her, but no idea what the fuck is going to happen around here now.
No lines, though, and shrift, they did not ask me for any ID. Which they're really not supposed to do anyway.
Awesomecakes, brenda.
And I just realized that my polling place is, like, around the corner from my apartment. Maybe a five minute walk, tops. Er. Guess I probably could have voted this morning had I actually been capable of thought.