From that site, so true:
And, really, if it's not Pat or Roger, all the other newscast at NY1 could be called "Other Guy". Really.
I read Gothamist so you don't have to.
Thank you, because I won't read them until they HIRE A COPY EDITOR. Seriously, they're like militant about not having one.
I just dropped guacamole down my cleavage.
I am
Hey, better than grapes at a faculty dinner. Guac at least oozes out of sight.
For some reason I have this mental image of wildly bouncing grapes wreaking havoc amongst tweed-clad faculty, chasing them into inappropriate places.
I say you're boasting only YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT. MAC ROCKS! And also? Allyson is totally right too, he's totally hit the mommy jackpot.
My last observation has nothing to do with the above, it is just to say that Lee wins the Guacamole Award.
Better run, Isaac is crying.
OK: I admit it. I kinda dug tonight's Studio 60.
People need to post more or I will start posting excerpts from the Roger Clark blog, and no one wants that.
So for my post I'm going to reach back into the recent past. I call this anecdote "The Day I Saw Roger Clark IN THE WILD!"
He was sitting inside of a news van in a suit. As you can imagine, this was doubly shocking. Roger Clark, whose wardrobe appears as though it's visited nightly by overweight wrinkle-gnomes, is rarely suit-n-tied. I believe we're only treated to the power tie when he's behind the desk. And even then I imagine what we can't see are his comfy doctor's scrubs pants and Guinness Slippers
Also, he was in a news van. As in, New York 1 has a news van. I've always had the impression they commute in much the same way I do. I fantasize that the giddy DIY news-makers call some granny cart filled with production equipment the news van. Then they laugh heartily, callously mock Shelly, and lament the departure of Paul Lombardi - Pet Reporter/Theatre Enthusiast.
I wished I said hi, but the suit said to me "This is serious. I'm reporting on destabilized rent or orphans or something today. Not humorously shaped pork chops."
Although after his story on a hanging Pterodactyl I'm a little less intimidated.
bon, tonight's Studio 60 struck me as funnier than usual. Which is saying kind of a lot.
I totally liked Studio 60 better than any ep I've seen so far. Very funny. Also--BASTARDS!
Cleavage guac is so much better than tripping and falling into it!
I really don't see the taste objection to cabbage ,potatoes and meat.
Perhaps you skipped past the cabbage part?