I've only gotten one automated call that I know of, from Elijah Cummings. I'm not sure who he was campaigning for since he's running unopposed and I deleted the message.
Just watch, I'll have a kazillion when I get home.
I'm trying to sort out all the bond and constitutional dooverdingies.
I like that NYC does its business on the odd years, so there's always something, but it's almost never overwhelming.
I'm trying to sort out all the bond and constitutional dooverdingies.
If you figure it out, let me know.
I've had several from Bill.
Aw, man, I only got one from Rob Black (running for Supervisor -- I'm just going to go with other people's advice on this one, because how the hell should I know?) and one from some scratchy-voiced lady who claimed to be a senator.
So, I've been looking over all my voting info, and it looks like almost all our options have to do with taxing and spending, is that right? Quite a lot of spending, too. I suppose that's what one does, but -- WOW. I've never been asked to vote directly on billions of dollars before.
I should be at work now. Leaving!
I've only had one robocall this election season. And that was sports-related, not election-related. Far, far too many mailings.
Both WI (where I grew up) and VA (where I live now) have marriage amendments on the ballot. I'm not optimistic.
Is that just a usual Magic 8 Ball, or does it have answers taylored to tech stuff?
It's a give-away from CDW, it's red and has tech-specific answers, like "Reboot" or "It works on my machine" and "What do you expect, it's a beta?"
I need to talk with my supervisors about voterating tomorrow, as in, if I'm late.
I just looked up who the Republican House candidate is in my district. He's a Libertarian doctor whose main campaign issue seems to be medical marijuana.
I got a call from the recorded voice of Bill Cinton last week. It was good to hear his voice, but he's really sort of preaching to the choir what with an anti-gay amendment and a Bush crony U. S. Senate candidate on this ballot.
I knew absolutely nothing about any of the school board candidates I could vote for, so ended up choosing the woman named Juanita since it's unlikely more minority and female representation would be a bad thing.