Yeah. I haven't been to the Vineyard in years, but I thought the food was over-rated (in general, island-wide, I mean).
I think it suffers the same problem as where I live now. Cute place that attracts a lot of money and tourists (and pretty, expensive restaurants), but out of the way, so attracting a real chef is a problem.
American Dad was a thing of beauty this evening.
See, Joe Perry and Steve Tyler are in Aerosmith. I think my brain was trying to save space.
My brain wants to go there sometimes, too, ita.
on TAR-
Has the team using a FF ever not been in first?
It's called The House Next Door. Starring, it seems, Lara's lips.
The novel, which is probably twenty years old now, was really good and really eerie (although the Lara character and her husband were supposed to be in their late 40s). One of Anne Rivers Siddons's first books.
I tuned it the first night it aired, and aside from it being so unlike the book as to be laughable, I couldn't look away from those lips. They're FREAKY. So, so badly done.
I read good things about the books. Can you whitefont the differences?
One team
lost on an FF once - it was in England, I think, but I don't remember the details.
A reality show should not make me tear up!! Stupid awesome Alabama.
I didn't watch enough to tell you most of them (the lips! too scary!), but here are a few: Colquitt was in advertising, and not a painter. Um ... the neighbor was supposed to be older, too, as were she and the character Colin played. Oh my. I guess I was a bit bold stating that, huh? I only really watched twenty minutes or so. I was just very put off.
The book was actually really, really good. A haunted *new* house is an interesting idea, to me. Her other books are much more Southern family sagas/dramas, and have in recent years all evolved into pretty much the same book with different character names.
second neighbours are older,
but most of the other characters seemed to be mid thirties.
It took me three tries to make it all the way through, and that's with the obvious Colin love.
I could do this. In the book: Virginia, the older, very proper and gracious neighbor, kills her husband (I think, it's been a while -- or possibly is found having sex with someone, and her husband kills her and himself). There's a young couple with a daughter who moves in, and the husband is very controlling and verbally abusive and ambitious, and when the wife throws a big Christmas party, the daughter gets violently and messily sick in the kitchen. I think Colquitt and Kim almost make love, and Col's husband attacks Kim. And her friend, the one with all the teenage boys, moves away to a kind of mean little house in a nasty suburb and won't talk to Col anymore. I guess I forgot more than I thought. I want to read it again now, and I have no idea where my copy is.