To make his point, Juvera burned Pokemon trading cards with a blowtorch and struck a plastic Pokemon action figure with a 30-inch sword. Juvera's 9-year-old son then tore the limbs and head off a Pokemon doll.
During the demonstration, the children chanted: "Burn it. Burn it,'' and "Chop it up. Chop it up.''
And lord knows, that's a healthy thing to promote!
Gud - that is one of the AARP "Don't vote"
No, this was from years ago.
But he's Canadian!!
I think he recently became as US citizen (or is in the process at least) according to an interview I listened to.
12 Signs you drank too much
Pictures of the results of people having fun at the expense of passed-out drunks....
eta: The most NSFW picture is of a passed-out guy's bare ass....
Love the Colin ad.
Between that and brenda's offices' telenovela-like goings on, I'm losing the need to watch tv.
Well, stay tuned. It's staff conference weekend again! Should be good times.
Which reminds me, I already need to go and impress upon a project assistant that the stuff she heard in our meeting this morning with the UK team needs to be kept in the vault. For some reason marketing and the UK group tend to be very, um, frank in our discussions.
That was the children's pastor?! For truth in advertising they need to re-name their sunday school Future Psychopaths of America.
OK, this is one of the most bizzare animations I've ever seen: [link]
Has sound. Possibly NSFW, as there's some gore. Also, if you boss sees you watching it, s/he'll be all, "WTF
Some parts are quite funny....
eta: Oh yeah - there's one bit that Jilli probably shouldn't watch.
Wait. I had no idea that Maya Rudolph's partner was PT Anderson! (I'm not sure why I'm so surprised. Possibly trying to put Magnolia and The Donatella Show together.) Anyway, they had bedbugs, is the thing. [link]