One of the four pastors tasked with investigating accusations against Ted Haggard raged against Pokemon in 1999
The second of this four, Mark Cowart, was in the news back in 1999 when he discovered the occult conspiracy behind Pokemon:
...While driving with his kids, he heard them in the back seat talking about "Abra'' and "Cadabra,'' and "my antenna went up,'' Cowart said.
Cowart said one of his concerns is that one of the Pokeman characters sprouts horns. Another concern, he said, is that children exploring a Pokemon Web site can click to other games, including "Magic: the Gathering,'' a game similar to Dungeons and Dragons.
Cowart delegated his church's children's pastor to get medieval on the Japanese toys:
At a church service Wednesday at Grace Fellowship Church, children's pastor Mark Juvera told 85 children ages 6 through 12 that Pokemon is evil.
To make his point, Juvera burned Pokemon trading cards with a blowtorch and struck a plastic Pokemon action figure with a 30-inch sword. Juvera's 9-year-old son then tore the limbs and head off a Pokemon doll.
During the demonstration, the children chanted: "Burn it. Burn it,'' and "Chop it up. Chop it up.''