I don't think they make the tins, any more.
Phooey. We used to nail bits of wood to them to make dubious facsimilies of violins or guitars and make really painful squawks and twangs. So much fun. I also recall perpetual (or not) motion machines from oatmeal canisters and drums out of metal Charlie's potato chip vats, but the latter I suspect were from an earlier generation.
metal Charlie's potato chip vats
We used to get Charles Chips stuff delivered! God, I'd forgotten all about that.
We also still had a milkman when I was really little, like under six. So weird to think about that now.
We had a milkman. My mother stopped using the milk delivery service when they abandoned glass bottles. We also had an egg lady.
CSI question:
Why is Greg so worried about the coroner's inquest? Is he anything other than a victim/dude who helped save someone else?
We had a milkman when I was very little. Until about 1985ish, I think.
We had a milkman. He'd come in a big truck and take away our milk. He'd also bring us butter and cheese.
If we were out of milk in the house, we had to be sure to go to the barn and get some before the milkman came and took it away.
CSI question:
Lee, I had to think about this one last night, but
the kid he hit with his SUV died,
so I imagine there will be repercussions.
Dodgy story about Ted Haggard.
The president of the National Association of Evangelicals resigned Thursday after accusations by a male prostitute that the pastor paid him for sex over three years.
I dunno, it sounds too wonderfully ironic to be true. I suspect that this could be a false allegation.
I dunno, it sounds too wonderfully ironic to be true. I suspect that this could be a false allegation.
Well, I just read that voice analysis of voicemails left on the prostitute's phone have proven to be Haggards.
eta: OK, a voice expert believes it's Haggard.