I don't watch Top Chef, but I can accept the theory of
avocado ice cream. There are enough fruits with similar texture that the idea doesn't automatically squick me out. Bacon ice cream, on the other hand, ranks with ketchup on a banana split -- two great tastes that don't taste great together.
ETA: And I'm reading the whitefont just because I find it hard to resist reading whitefont.
Dude. Less than 1 minute!
Since I don't like
sugar, avocado ice cream sounds like a perfectly valid flavor to me -- for adults. Serving it to kids in a competition is clearly insane.
Scola rocks like a rocking thing that rocks. And his smile makes me melt.
I just want to say
hello to FredPete
Except, they
didn't know where they were serving it beforehand, did they?
Also, Padma is better than Mrs. Joel, but still not a great host. I do like how she gets enthusiastic about the food though.
I can actually see, I guess, where avocado would work, although I'm not a big avocado fan, and I *am* a big sugar fan, so it sounds grim to me. But bacon? *With* avocado? Come on. The fact that so many of them seemed not to understand they would be serving it to kids struck me as fairly stupid, too.
Not a good sign that I want to write
if you can't figure this out, you are a moron and shouldn't be trying.
I think I should go work on another project for a little bit. My handholding skills are looking a bit peaked.
And I'm reading the whitefont just because I find it hard to resist reading whitefont.
hah! Me too even if I know it's about something I don't really care about.
Salman Rushdie! That's so funny! I don't know what answer I was expecting but not that.
AmyLiz, I was
confused about the same thing! They did say "entree" right? The corn side dish seemed delicious to me, too, and really easy to pair with something entree-ish.