Salman Rushdie.
Really? Huh.
Top Chef: I don't know about anyone else, but avocado does not belong in ice cream. Nor does bacon. And certainly not together. I was shamefully gleeful that Marisa didn't make the top three in that challenge. I can't stand her already.
I really thought Michael would go, even though Emily's food was inedible. And she's just so ... bitchy, and not in a good way. I hate kids? Your big fat ass? Seriously? Michael's funny and good-natured, but I can't believe he actually thinks he has a shot at winning this.
And I was confused that so many of them didn't listen to the instructions for the whole challenge. An ENTREE, people. The corn dish looked great, and so did the salad, but they're not entrees. So many of them just shot themselves in the foot from the start.
Why am I reading the Top Chef whitefont? I don't watch it.
I'd like to get through the rest of today without punching incompetent!boss.
See, even though his desk, etc., is in another fucking room, he has to come in *my* area to mark shit down on a tracking chart we use.
t edit
Tracking chart is kept in a binder with other tracking forms. He could take the binder back to his fucking desk.
In my area, there's a random chair, not even a desk chair -- it's not one of those dealies with wheels and such; it's just a random non-wheeled chair that might be at a table. Except it isn't at a table; it's randomly located in my area. No one uses it. So....
For ELEVEN YEARS I've been tossing my coat on this chair when I get to work in the morning.
Today, incompetent!boss decides that, because he wants to sit for the 3 minutes a day that he comes in here to mark shit down on the tracking form, I have to hang my coat up. (Apparently there's a coat rack somewhere; I wouldn't know, having put my coat on the same chair for ELEVEN YEARS.)
He actually picked my coat up off the chair and held it out to me. I said "What?" He said "You need to hang this up so I can sit down."
Keep in mind, this isn't his desk; this is over in my area, and it's something he does for literally 3 minutes a day.
I put my coat back on the chair. If he says anything else, I'm going to kneecap him, and then I'm going to bitch to Big!Boss's wife (who works for the company in a vague accounting-ish way, and it's generally understood that you don't give any lip to Big!Boss's wife). I'm not above being a tattle-tale.
Is that lame, or what? (You can say yes. I know that complaining about having to move my coat is lame, but it's such an annoying, niggling little thing that inconveniences the hell out of me so that incompetent!boss can sit for 3 minutes.)
t starting stopwatch to see how long it takes Scola to post a link to an NYC job....
I don't watch Top Chef, but I can accept the theory of
avocado ice cream. There are enough fruits with similar texture that the idea doesn't automatically squick me out. Bacon ice cream, on the other hand, ranks with ketchup on a banana split -- two great tastes that don't taste great together.
ETA: And I'm reading the whitefont just because I find it hard to resist reading whitefont.
Dude. Less than 1 minute!
Since I don't like
sugar, avocado ice cream sounds like a perfectly valid flavor to me -- for adults. Serving it to kids in a competition is clearly insane.
Scola rocks like a rocking thing that rocks. And his smile makes me melt.
I just want to say
hello to FredPete