Halloweeeeen numberslut!
In actual posting news, I spent the evening taking in The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. Always a treat of a movie. And it had the Pixar short Knick Knack in 3D tacked on the front! There were some teens in various costumes, and I complimented a drag princess on his shoes.
I saw the silent version of Phantom of the Opera, with live organist. Lots of fun. In terms of how well they got the feeling of the book, I felt like this was a lot better than the musical. The phantom was actually scary.
We had six clumps of kids. The best costumes were a family of vampire - Mom, Dad and two kids - standard capes and fangs, decent quality black wigs, and really good makeup to give them convincingly pale skin. Except for infant in Dads arms who was dressed as a lil Devil instead.
What you didn't realize was the baby was the only one actually in a costume.
We had only one group of Torters, but there were a lot of them. Our neighbor's two kids had the best costumes. The five year old boy was R2D2 and his two year old little sister was C3PO. Nothing cuter than a gleefully giggling tiny girl beaming at you through the hole in a robot costume.
The DH is away in Vegas at a car show and I am slumming and watching Dancing With the Stars. It's a Halloween-themed show, with lots of cheesy costumes and melodramatic numbers. I'm loving it.
My head hurts and I'm about to reach for the muscle relaxants.
I am glad I live somewhere where torters are unlikely. Also, I have no candy, and have never given any out. It's a tradition I manage to completely forget.
I smell of my assistant. It's distracting and weird.
My neck hurts, and I'm cold. Muscle relaxants sound good.
I have applied for the job I really want. ::crosses fingers::
And I only ate 4 tiny pieces of Halloween candy this evening, despite much provocation (see above re: job application). But it's too late to sit up and watch VM; I have to pack for a site visit tomorrow and go to bed.
Bah, my life is boring.
Skipping and poking head to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Ginger's birthday.
Happy birthday, Ginger! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday, Ginger!!!
Can someone draft a memo to my children about Daylight Savings Time, please? Remind them that they are supposed to sleep an hour later. Ta, ever so.