OMG, the end of The Unit made me howl with laughter. What happened last week? They advertised a new ep but aired a re-run. Does anyone know why they pulled that ep?
I stopped in Target after work and overheard a man and 3 young boys trying to choose movies to watch. The man wanted light horror, two of the boys wanted a Will Farrell movie, and the 3rd boy (dressed in a cheerleading uniform) wanted Stick It. Poor kid.
OMG, the end of The Unit made me howl with laughter
Me, too! I didn't realize it was a rerun, though.
Does anyone know why they pulled that ep?
Not a rerun as far as I know, was preempted by baseball last week.
ha an adult friend came by trying to give candy away - I made her trade. she gave me a bag of blood....
it feels very quiet tonight - which means way too much candy.
We just had one group of pre-teens come to the door. I informed the boy who wasn't wearing a costume that no costume meant no candy. He quickly pulled his Scream mask out of his backpack and put it on. One of the other boys was wearing all black, with smudgy black eyeliner and lipstick. He grinned at me and said "I'm a goth!" He got extra candy.
So now we've had about eight kidlings come to the door. Still less than I expected.
best costume
a neighbor. he spent the summer with his dad and grew the giantest turnip in the world. which is now sitting on the mantle in his mom's house. Yes he dressed as a turnip
I didn't realize it was a rerun, though.
Tonight was new. Last week was a rerun.
Not a rerun as far as I know, was preempted by baseball last week.
Only FOX shows were on baseball schedule. The preview they showed for last week made it look like
Jonas was being unfaithful to his wife while on assignment.
The one they aired was from last season and had to do with the collective real-estate thing the women were doing.
impt detail. the turnip asked for Liver
I'm afraid the new twist in House is boring me already. Please, as if House
is going to do time.
I am not interested in this
who needs to prove
his balls are bigger than House's.
Is House
supposed to learn something?
I liked the twist
that was fun, that was believable. What they're planning is just
everything I hate about modern cop shows, "I'm macho, I'm throwing my weight around, see my power, see my dick."
House: I swear, I've read this fic. 15, 20 times. I'm not sure how it ends non-slashy, and I don't think that's just the fic talking.