a favor- could you save the empty bottles for us?
Ah, I was wondering about that and, yes, I have saved (and rinsed) the bottle of the one I've drunk (consumed while watching HEROES and also watching the Pats stomp all over the poor Vikings).
Will do likewise with the other one when I get to it (if it lasts through the week, I will be surprised - it is teh YUM!)
Alienitis cancer?
Oh shit, now I have "Maybe it's a tumor." " It's not a toomah!" going through my head from a movie I've never seen!
The stupidity that is my brain aside, you poor thing.
I may have to spend the rest of the afternoon at the office listening to Jonathan Coulton's "Re Your Brains" on repeat.
Jonathan Coulton's "Re Your Brains"
I about fell out of my chair laughing as I listened to that (thanks to you) yesterday, shrift.
Happy Birthday, Daniel!
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Anniversary, Jilli & Pete!!
Oh shit, now I have "Maybe it's a tumor." " It's not a toomah!" going through my head from a movie I've never seen!
Me too!
OMG I am tired of working.
I should celebrate halloween by watching shaun of the dead.
It's Halloweeeeen! Best holiday ever. Also my 6th anniversary of moving to LA.
I am making chicken soup. Well, it's in the fridge so I can scoop the fat off the top when i get home. I had no celery, but i did have pea pods. It'll suffice.
I wish i was home watching Shaun of the Dead in my jammies.
It's Halloweeeeen! Best holiday ever.
This is very true.
Also my 6th anniversary of moving to LA.
Happy moving anniversary!
I'm finding this site strangely hypnotic:
a musical realization of the motion graphics of john whitney as described in his book "digital harmony" >[link]
in three minutes, the largest dot will travel around the circle once, the next largest dot will travel around the circle twice, the next largest dot three times, and so on. the dots are arranged to trigger notes on a chromatic scale when they pass the line
There's sound. Well, obvioulsy, I guess. Still.
officially, is it known as the Nobel Prize of Peace, or the Nobel Peace Prize?
I'm sure that there is an official English translation, but the absolute true blue official name used by the people who hand it out is "Nobels fredspris," which seems to imply "the prize of peace of Nobel."