It didn't even occur to me that I could be-costume myself today. I vote for tiara!
I guess Halloween is very big at the firm-- there's a costume party, with prizes and all that. I think Tiara, plus my Bling kitty skirt (that part x-posted with Bitches). I still need to find a good shirt though.
I hope no children come knocking on the door tonight, because it occurs to me that I have no candy at home.
We should trade, shrift. I have one bag of candy, bought before I realized I won't be home until 8:00 or 8:30.
Hubble gets another Servicing Mission. Australia is safe.
Hubble gets another Servicing Mission.
Australia is safe.
Is that where they were going to dump Hubble?
Fuck I can't believe I'm getting flu. What the hell? I JUST got the shot.
There's kerfuffle in my office because one of my coworkers is selling her OSU/Michigan football tickets for ONLY $500 a piece.
Ha! That's a good price! Go, Buckeyes!
their automated system must have someone monitoring calls,
Heh. I always talk to the automated systems, and to the hold music, on the basis that my call may be being recorded for training purposes. Deal with this, suckers! "Now, Trainee, what should you have said to this unbelievably irate customer?"
I bought candy a few years ago, no one comes to the door in my neighborhood (apartments) I even told some kids that I had candy if they wanted to come up and they didnt' bother. oh, well.
bon bon, maybe it's the mild strain of the flu you sometimes get along with the shot, and it will just blow right by you.
Nah, they didn't really have an official plan. Still don't, as far as I know. But Australia is not really at risk. It's just the idea of Hubble crashing into Australia is extremely amusing to me. Not sure why.