John Stewart did a bit on that last night
Yeah, I saw it, but even on Stewart, you don't get the whole response, which is meaty and informative.
The other thing on TDS last night that made my eyes pop out was the college freshman suing his high school for having too many female teachers and not giving credit for sports, so he was forced to attend his second-choice college. Boo fucking hoo. I can't believe a kid stupid enough to file such a suit and then talk about it on The Daily Show is smart enough to get into college at all!
That kid's daddy is a lawyer. Big surprise.
My favorite part about that segment was the chat with the group of students who don't have that kid's advantages in life (i.e., they're all inner-city students of color). Their comment about how they'd like more teachers of any gender was spot on.
What, the kid's teachers got their feminist cooties on him and now he'll never be accepted by the Skull and Bones for their fast-track to short-bus political office? My heart bleeds.
I don't remember who was asking, but my Jericho recap is up, so... Short form of my crazy (or IS IT?) theory:
Jake was in prison. Hawkins is a corrupt cop who was either in cahoots with Jake, or helped put him away. Or both. He used his ill-gotten gains to buy a place in town -- the gossipy store owner mentions someone new in town who paid for their house in cash, and I'm betting that's about him. He knows about Jake's inheritance and is blackmailing him for it, which is why Jake's was in such a hurry to get the money. If Jake didn't pay up, Hawkins (and maybe other baddies) were going to tell everyone that the Mayor's son was in prison for whatever bad thing he did, ruining the family's name and costing his dad the election. Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of the escaped prisoners knows Jake, and/or Hawkins.
I'm fully prepared to be wrong about some details, but I feel pretty confident about the general idea. On the other hand, my eerie psychic powers seem to kick in when I make jokes that turn out to be right, so this whole "intentional speculation" thing may backfire on me.
not giving credit for sports
Gender of teachers aside... are there schools that do this? Is he complaining that he had to take History, Math and English instead of having a GPA based on football?
There are students at Santa Monica College getting credit for krav.
Now, it's by no means easy to get your yellow belt, especially with the instructor they have, but college credit? Weird to my head.
And, randomly:
Rapping stop-motion pirates! [link]
[Quicktime, but there's a YouTube link if that doesn't work]
a GPA based on football
Maybe he got his rushing average confused with this grade average.
Strega, I'm with you on the first and last sentences. I'm not so sure about
any kind of conspiracy or blackmail between Hawkins and Jake. I'm sure there is some shocking secret about why Hawkins is an ex-cop (it'd be better if he were ex-FEMA) but I'm sure it'll turn out (eventually) that he's a good guy who got a bad rap.