My poor sister. She tried to make white chocolate ganache and reports a miserable visual failure, as yet untasted. Has anyone here ever done that? Is the flaw in the concept of white chocolate ganache, or the execution?
That's last minute and lucky that it worked out, sara.
It's one of the reasons I can't do last minute jaunts anymore. Not that I was good about doing them before, but still.
And now I discover all my travel sizes are dried up or ooky. Ah well, will cope. It's not like I'm going to Siberia.
but those kittens are just ugly.
That's because they're not really kittens.
WOOHOO! Even though people haven't left me alone all fucking day, I still did all my paperwork, and will get to leave in 4 minutes/on time, and then I am on vacation, and it's going to be TOTALLY AWESOME.
(and probably include some cheek pinching.)
Man, I'm really supposed to be cleaning my apartment right now, but eh. I'm thinking I go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up ditto, and that will be fine.
Jesse, should I call you when I get up? At six aye em? Provided I don't fuck that up?
I entirely agree. But Some People (the crazy ones) don't. I have to pull it to avoid freak out city. It allows me time for my leisurely 1.5 hour paper and shower and dress routine & plenty of time to deal with the street closings trying to get to Penn Station.
So, Ugly Betty just made me cranky with the New York geography. There's no view of the city from Jackson Heights! She totally lives in the LIC!!
getting ready to be out of the office fir a week just about killed me today.
am finaqlly home, scarffing dinner while watching MiT and will shortly go to bed.