I entirely agree. But Some People (the crazy ones) don't. I have to pull it to avoid freak out city. It allows me time for my leisurely 1.5 hour paper and shower and dress routine & plenty of time to deal with the street closings trying to get to Penn Station.
So, Ugly Betty just made me cranky with the New York geography. There's no view of the city from Jackson Heights! She totally lives in the LIC!!
getting ready to be out of the office fir a week just about killed me today.
am finaqlly home, scarffing dinner while watching MiT and will shortly go to bed.
There's no view of the city from Jackson Heights!
there totally is - straight down one of the Avenues and also from a few of the buildings.
there totally is - straight down one of the Avenues and also from a few of the buildings.
Yeah, OK, but her house is right by the water, supposedly.
I was going to ask if one of you early bird east coasters would call me at 8:00 your time tomorrow morning, to make sure I was awake.
Cereal: I just watched the last episode of
The Nine.
Based on the last minute alone, I may have a new show.
If I am up, I will call you.
For ita:
Topstick tape (generically: skin tape or toupee tape), available at most beauty supply places here in LA, particularly those that cater to the entertainment industry, such as Naimie's on Riverside in Valley Village.
However, it is a little expensive, and if you only need a small amount, S has plenty just lying around the house, and would be happy to give you some, via post or whatever.