Gudanov, What's That Bug only has a small picture of a red-headed centipede, so I'm sure they'd be grateful recipients of the picture if you get a chance....
It's about halfway down the page:
Note: link not shudder-safe for those who are squicked by many-legged critters.
HA! Look at this new shoe for sale at!
Here is a picture, it's not that great since it was moving quickly, in the shade, and I had a telephoto lens. Hence the large png image since jpeg was leaving artifacts even with low compression.
Happy birthday Matt!
Happy birthday megan!
We got no centipedes in SF.
How do they expect me to do any work around here when all the communication on this project is via an email chain titled "Ralph's package"? Am I the only one in this office who is 12?
We got no centipedes in SF.
On the other hand, people keep leaving their hearts, so that's something.
On the other hand, people keep leaving their hearts, so that's something.
And people have flowers in their hair.
Pretty bug! Not that I want it within three or four feet of my personal space, but pretty! (You should so send it in to Whats That Bug!)
More birthdays. Excellent.
Happy Birthday, Matt!!
Happy Birthday, megan!!
Happy Birthday, Cash!!
I'm in Pensacola visiting relatives, and it's maybe 60 out. Whee! I'm usually here in the dead of August when the temperature and humidity=It's Gross Out all the time, so this is a pleasant change.