More birthdays. Excellent.
Happy Birthday, Matt!!
Happy Birthday, megan!!
Happy Birthday, Cash!!
I'm in Pensacola visiting relatives, and it's maybe 60 out. Whee! I'm usually here in the dead of August when the temperature and humidity=It's Gross Out all the time, so this is a pleasant change.
On the other hand, people keep leaving their hearts, so that's something.
Yes, but I want to make it very clear that people don't leave their hearts to centipedes.
Yes, but I want to make it very clear that people don't leave their hearts to centipedes.
Well, maybe if people
leave their hearts to centipedes, you might actually
pretty centipedes.
Wait, was that our goal?
Happy birthday to the design-savvy , Morroccan food pimp, hockey-loving Matt; the always-charming, Canadian, and not-seen-enough Meagan; and the super-mom, snarky-but-kind, twinalicous, and delightful Cashmere. You all rock!
TAR fans:
Jonathan and Victoria
have had a baby. (Link found at WX TAR thread.)
Happy birthday to Matt, Megan, Cashmere, my father, and less so but with the nostalgia of innocent youth--Margaret Thatcher.
Oh, and Marie Osmond.
Happy Birthdays, Matt, megan and Cashmere!!!!