I'm glad the two hours worked wonders for you
It's the combination of the two hours and the necessity to have a short day today, followed by lots of rest for 24 hours.
how sometimes running on the tiniest bit of sleep can get you going better than a full night of well-rested sleep can.
One of my roommates is amazing with that. She can lie down for 10 or 15 minutes, nothing longer than that, and get up after them all rested and refreshed and as if she caught up on a whole night's sleep. Usually, that never works for me.
Oh, and I know that I'm tired because I'm speaking a bit faster than usual, but remembering the words I need in order to express myself a little slower than usual. It makes for a strange effect.
Hmmm... good I checked the weather report before leaving the house. It's only 45 (6C) out there, and should get down into the upper 30s this evening!
I guess it's time for the ritual donning of the jacket....
Happy birthday, Matt! I hope there's more cake for you today, somewhere.
Happy birthdays, Cashmere and Matt! What an awesome day!
OMG, the hat trick of awesome birthdays! (sorry for not including in my first post) Happy Birthday Megan!
Boy, I'm not awake yet.
Happy birthday, Megan! And Cashmere!
Happy Birthday Matt!!!
Happy Birthday Megan!!
Happy Birthday Cashmere!!!
With so many buffista birthdays were should all have cake!
Happy birthday wishes to all celebrants!
ION, the signal bell on the bus this morning was really f-ed up. When you pulled the cord it made a noise like a cat being strangled. The bus driver was not looking forward to his 10 hour shift on the bus with that sucker.
Happy Birthday, Matt! Happy Birthday, megan walker! And, even though I said it in Bitches, Happy Birthday, Cashmere! Wow, too bad we can't send cake through the innernets, we'd all clean up.