Happy birthday wishes to all celebrants!
ION, the signal bell on the bus this morning was really f-ed up. When you pulled the cord it made a noise like a cat being strangled. The bus driver was not looking forward to his 10 hour shift on the bus with that sucker.
Happy Birthday, Matt! Happy Birthday, megan walker! And, even though I said it in Bitches, Happy Birthday, Cashmere! Wow, too bad we can't send cake through the innernets, we'd all clean up.
Hippo BIRDIES, Matt, megan and Cashmere!!!!!!
Yeah, Lucas was on the show last night. So cool! He didn't win, though.
That was the geekiest episode of TCR evah! And he kinda made me like Lucas again. Damn you, Colbert!!!!! And the Tek Jansen was gloriously inane. On the (hee!) heels of the Salute to the American Lady special reporT, that was quite a strong week for the Reporrrrrr.
That said, the Tolkien geek in SC is probably sad that no one did a LotR green screen for him.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday birthday Birthday Matt Megan Cashmere!
Happy birthdays, megan and Cashmere!!
Let us all praise the Norwegians and their museums and their exhibit on homosexuality in nature.
The radical religionists, of course, are appalled.
That said, the Tolkien geek in SC is probably sad that no one did a LotR green screen for him.
I was totally going to! And then I got distracted by other things and ran out of time. But my intentions were good!
Happy birthday, Matt [eta & Megan & Cashmere!]!
Happy Birthday Matt!!!
Happy Birthday Megan!!
Happy Birthday Cashmere!!!
sara, could we have this conversation again, [..] It's really interesting, and I don't want to waste it on comments like 'yeah" and "oh", you know?
Oh sure! As it was, I toddled offline shortly after my last post. Ran out of words, I did.
So it's kind of chilly out. I've been regulating apartment temps by opening and closing windows. Should have closed it last night. It was 60 inside when I woke up. In the depths of winter, I can deal with that. But I haven't acclimatized to it yet. There was muttering.