My heat just kicked on. Finally. I would think snow outside might be a good indication that indoor heat is called for.
On Jericho,
I'm disappointed that not!St. Louis ex-cop seems to be a part of a large conspiracy. I think the show could be more interesting without a known/present big bad. I like his kids though. "Who is always going to take care of you?" "Mommy."
Heh. As for Mr. Mayor, anytime I can say the last line of your speech before you do, it's really not a good thing.
BSG S1 includes the mini. BSG S2 was released in 2 parts (because of the loooooooooong hiatus), as 2.0 and 2.5. They will also be releasing the entire season in one box, but I don't know when that comes out.
When you haven't had to do it for a while, washing dishes is kind of Zen. For me, drying never is, though
Yup, and I really hate the putting away part. The kids take turns putting away the dishes for part of their allowance. Best money I ever spent!
aurelia, I'm not convinced Hawkins is
bad. I mean, he's definitely part of some covert op, and it might be bad the way the CoW was bad, but I'm not sure he's the big bad, or intentionally bad, or part of actual enemy forces.
Thanks, Jess.
Is the mini-series available to purchase? Do you know, is it included in the S1 DVD box set, if you buy it? What is season 2.5?
It is available, but I don't know if its in the S1 set. S2 was broken up into 2 parts: 2 and 2.5 because they were shown several months apart on SciFi. 2 was released before 2.5 started.
Yes, it's in the season one set. I was IMPATIENT and bought the mini and then bought the season 1 set and guess what? It includes the mini.
Well, then I lent out my season 1 set and was very grateful to have the mini during the LONG LONG time before the first half of season 2 came out.
(Did you try the recaps on the scifi site? They are short and come with pictures.)
I don't like washing pots. Scrubbing grease and baked on stuff--yuck. Dishes are fine. Now that we have the fiestaware, I rally like putting them away, because they colors are all so vibrant and I like the way they look all stacked up.
When I was a kid and in college, I hated putting stuff away, and never did. Then I I lived in a TINY studio in NYC for so many years that I got used to putting clothes and laundry away right away. If didn't, my place went from cozy room to claustrophobic pigsty, and I soon learned that taking the 10 minutes to put stuff away led to avoiding hours of feeling depressed.
Deep-fried Coca-Cola
An award-winning junk-food inventor debuted deep-fried Coke syrup at September's Texas State Fair:
Gonzales deep-fries Coca-Cola-flavored batter. He then drizzles Coke fountain syrup on it. The fried Coke is topped with whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry. Gonzales said the fried Coke came about just from thinking aloud.
Gonzales' diet-buster wins the creativity honor at the second-annual Big Tex Choice Awards Contest...
Huh. If I was in the mood for a sugar-high, this sounds like a good way....
Goes into diabetic shock just reading tommy's last post
If didn't, my place went from cozy room to claustrophobic pigsty, and I soon learned that taking the 10 minutes to put stuff away led to avoiding hours of feeling depressed.
This is what I, a nominal grown-up, am still trying to learn.
It would probably be easier if I could ever start with a cozy room, instead of working my way backwards from pigsty.