Deep-fried Coca-Cola
An award-winning junk-food inventor debuted deep-fried Coke syrup at September's Texas State Fair:
Gonzales deep-fries Coca-Cola-flavored batter. He then drizzles Coke fountain syrup on it. The fried Coke is topped with whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry. Gonzales said the fried Coke came about just from thinking aloud.
Gonzales' diet-buster wins the creativity honor at the second-annual Big Tex Choice Awards Contest...
Huh. If I was in the mood for a sugar-high, this sounds like a good way....
Goes into diabetic shock just reading tommy's last post
If didn't, my place went from cozy room to claustrophobic pigsty, and I soon learned that taking the 10 minutes to put stuff away led to avoiding hours of feeling depressed.
This is what I, a nominal grown-up, am still trying to learn.
It would probably be easier if I could ever start with a cozy room, instead of working my way backwards from pigsty.
megan, we don't Net Flix. Is the mini-series available to purchase? Do you know, is it included in the S1 DVD box set, if you buy it? What is season 2.5?
As Sumi pointed out, you can get the mini-series separately (or it also comes with Season 1). Netflix lists them separately though, so I only realized that their "Disc 1 of Season 1" was actually Disc 2 of the set when I received it. As an insano completist, I haven't yet watched
The Story So Far,
but, from the questions people had, I think that just the mini-series would be very helpful, if only to distinguish between the pretty boys.
I don't like washing pots. Scrubbing grease and baked on stuff--yuck.
But it can feel real nice when all the yucky stuff is off the pot and it's all shining spotless until its bottom is nearly like a mirror.
Um, or maybe it's just me.
The most fun part I could make out of icky pots cleaning is when something is really burnt. I boil in it some water with laundry detergent (I think that's how you call it in English - the powder you put in the washing machine?), and all that black icky stuff just washes out later like magic. It's almost worth totally burning stuff for it (but only almost). And, um, yeah, I do guess it's totally just me.
[Edited to un-"n" an "un" to an "um"]
As a longtime fan of the series, I kind of thought The Story So Far sucked big time. I'm glad it seems to be working on new viewers though! I actually had trouble following it, because the way they chose to recap the various plotlines didn't match the way they were told during the show.
Um, or maybe it's just me.
Nope. Way back when I was a bagel lackey, the owners thought I was the best and weirdest because after morning rush, I volunteered to wash the baking trays and other assorted equipment. Water therapy and visible results.
Terrible cook notes: boil burned-on grunge in pans with laundry detergent...
I'll need that notion someday.
Anyone have an address for the Empress?