Currently, Memphis, TN. It's homebase.
Welcome, Airstream! Matt the Bruins Fan is also a Memphian. My parents and 3 of my sisters live in and around Memphis (I can't really claim it as my parents moved there after I graduated from high school and I only lived there a couple of years plus summers while in school).
I have a dishwasher! I use it as a drying rack. About once a year , I run it empty to clean out the dust that accumulates on the bottom. I've honestly never understood the angst of post-cooking cleaning. I mean, it is well documented in other people, but I just don't get it. I hate having dirty dishes around, I don't mind doing dishes, no big. Very often I'll be washing my cooking dishes out before I sit down to eat.
We have another Memphian? Welcome!
With only two people, a dishwasher wouldn't save us much time or effort anyway. (It's also explicitly forbidden by the terms of our lease, but that's a whole nother thing.)
My microwave is pretty much only used for defrosting things. The toaster oven gets much more use.
I'll do other people's dishes for money, not marriage!
Will you marry me, Sara?
No me!
I'll do other people's dishes for money, not marriage!
Damn! But I get very good health benefits! And dental!
I don't cook with a microwave because I don't cook.
The first thing I did when I found BtVS in season 3 was go online and find summaries for every episode from the first two seasons, so I expect our perspectives differ.
Heh. I suppose that's possible. But can I ask why you did that? Is it enthusiasm -- like, "Oh neat! Now I want to know everything there is to know about this as soon as possible!" Because that makes a lot more sense to me than the homework-y thing. I might have done that with B5, actually.
With no dishwasher we've almost completely stopped cooking at casa de bon Bob.
I don't cook, either. I have a microwave to heat up the things I'm eating that I didn't cook. When I try to cook, it's generally a messy, inedible disaster.