Oh, shit, tommy.
I think krav needs a t-shirt that says "Your groin is open."
I'm okay with not having a microwave. Makes reheating rice and pasta a bit of a chore, but no biggie.
Handwriting with mixed case makes me twitchy. Not entirely clear why.
Good idea for the krav shirt! I'm a fan of "You just got your ass kicked by a girl" myself. Wish I could see that one.
So ita are you a Level 3?
Edited for question.
My ex-krav-partner's having a baby at the end of November. My shower gift to them was a krav t-shirt and bib in pink for the wee one, and a onesie for her that says "my mom can beat up your mom." Not to leave out the parents, they each get a shirt that says "hell yeah" in the same shape thought bubble as is on the onesie.
I'd almost have kids to dress them like that.
The one vaguely smart-assed krav shirt says "Don't be afraid to hit on guys" above a photo of a woman smashing an elbow into a guy's face.
Which reminds me. Uck. We have to have our photos taken this weekend--one simple headshot, one action.
I'm embarassed in advance.
So ita are you a Level 3?
Five. But the levels don't work the same way in all schools. Basically, I'm brown, going for black in March.
Ouch. Soon.
Awesome baby shower gift!!! And, I've got the (or had the) "Don't be afraid to hit on guys" shirt.
::gasp:: I avoid cameras at all costs. I'm all about the behind the scenes/camera work.
Gotchya. I've been noticing that about the schools. I've been looking at locations for when I'm on the road just to see if I can swing through a class. It's strange to see some significant differences.
We've just got 1-3, plus bag and fight, are our particular schools here (for the moment at least). I won't be around long enough to see if it changes.
Arrrrgh. I'm sleepy as hell, but I really want to watch Project Runway!! These are the days I wish I had a TV in my bedroom.
All you microwaveless people are weird.
Where are you, Airstream?
We go one through five, fight goes intro through 1, 1/2, 2, and advanced. And then there are a number of fitness classes which all blur together other than kettlebell. Yay, kettlebell!