Huh, according to Wikipedia, jaguars do range in size larger than mountain lions -- though reading closely, it turns out that pumas tend to be larger the farther you get from the Equator, and the biggest jaguars are in Equatorial jungles, so I have a factual basis for my impression.
A friend of mine started printing all her handwriting in Graffiti once she got a Palm Pilot.
I've written a fair amount of fiction in longhand cursive. It's slower, but it actually kind of helps me think out what I'm writing -- it's yet another channel into the brain.
MSNBC is reporting that a helicopter crashed into a high-rise apartment building at 71st and York, and there's been some kind of explosion.
You can also get rubber stamps made of people's sigs, but they are easier to tell than scanned sigs.
I have a rubber stamp of my sig from my old job. I need to get rid of all my rubber stamps though. Owen got a hold of my Notary stamp the other day and I'm still finding stamped places all over the house. (Thank you, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!)
I just saw that on the news -- they're now saying "aircraft" because it might have been a small plane.
Just hit AP wire. No news coverage as yet
Bloody hell. I hope they are right it is a small aircraft. Last time I heard a small aircraft, those were the first reports from the Pentagon hit, people saying it was a small private plane...
They keep saying they don't know which, but suspect it might have been a helicopter because of a heliport at 63rd St.
Such an awful deja vu feeling, watching all the smoke.
Especially being the 11th.
They say small private multi-engine plane, halfway down the building...
Visibility was 18,000 feet, pretty good
That didn't even occur to me, if you can believe it.
They're saying helicopter for sure now -- there were pictures of the debris on the street on FoxNews.