It implied that to me, but since I can't imagine writing more than a sentence in ASSCAPS, and I'm entirely normal, can't be, can it?
Ha. I have this vision of all the kids these days writing like architects, since that's who I think of when I think of block printing. And when we had "mechanical drawing" for a quarter in 8th grade, basically the whole class was taken up by learning how to write the alphabet in graph paper. Good times.
My kids have been taught D'Nealian handwriting in school, which is a mix of print and cursive. The printed letter have a certain slant to them, which is supposed to make it easier to write cursive when the time comes.
I usually print these days, although a couple letters always wind up joined somewhere. I just tried to write a sentence in cursive and was amazed how unaccustomed to it I've become.
I think of block letters as being small caps, too, rather than ASSCAPS.
Big Cats in Arizona!
How cool! Yay for jaguars! They're really such a gorgeous animal, aren't they?
And yet another reason why a bigass fence is such an unbelievably stupid idea.
being taught to write by somebody who didn't understand how to teach a left-hander to write.
So very This, with most things, eh?
Especially in the dark ages of my yout.
What a pain to be so 'different' and yet, really not different at all.
My stepmother positively despaired trying to teach me to knit.
I swear, I became ambidexterous in self defense.
Forget trying to use left handed scissors. I am borg.
I hate writing
by hand. Filling out forms and signing my name are about the only times I do it. I much prefer to run envelopes through a laser printer than address an envelope by hand.
I print, when I'm actually trying to be legible. Scrawled notes involve something like cursive, but much harder to read. My printing is much nicer.
I have very nice handwriting as well, thanks to Mrs. Cune, my second grade teacher. She would make me stay in at recess and rewrite my work. I would hand it in early, and she would accept it, then wait until it was time to go to recess and call me up to rewrite. I learned quickly.
[link] Huh. D'Nealian looks more like many of us are saying we're now doing.
This just seems weird to me. Only 15% of the next batch of college freshmen use cursive? Wow.
Doesn't seem weird to me. I HATED writing anything longer than my name in cursive, and practiced legible printing in school until I got my speed to equal writing in longhand.
D'Nealian was what we were taught up to second/third where they transitioned to cursive.