I think of block letters as being small caps, too, rather than ASSCAPS.
Big Cats in Arizona!
How cool! Yay for jaguars! They're really such a gorgeous animal, aren't they?
And yet another reason why a bigass fence is such an unbelievably stupid idea.
being taught to write by somebody who didn't understand how to teach a left-hander to write.
So very This, with most things, eh?
Especially in the dark ages of my yout.
What a pain to be so 'different' and yet, really not different at all.
My stepmother positively despaired trying to teach me to knit.
I swear, I became ambidexterous in self defense.
Forget trying to use left handed scissors. I am borg.
I hate writing
by hand. Filling out forms and signing my name are about the only times I do it. I much prefer to run envelopes through a laser printer than address an envelope by hand.
I print, when I'm actually trying to be legible. Scrawled notes involve something like cursive, but much harder to read. My printing is much nicer.
I have very nice handwriting as well, thanks to Mrs. Cune, my second grade teacher. She would make me stay in at recess and rewrite my work. I would hand it in early, and she would accept it, then wait until it was time to go to recess and call me up to rewrite. I learned quickly.
[link] Huh. D'Nealian looks more like many of us are saying we're now doing.
This just seems weird to me. Only 15% of the next batch of college freshmen use cursive? Wow.
Doesn't seem weird to me. I HATED writing anything longer than my name in cursive, and practiced legible printing in school until I got my speed to equal writing in longhand.
D'Nealian was what we were taught up to second/third where they transitioned to cursive.
That's exactly it!
Folk get taught how to do that?
I think I started doing it accidentally, right about 5 minutes after I stopped dotting my i's with little flowers in middle school.