I *just* realized why one of the tech's at the vet's office looks so familiar: she bears a passing resemblence to Abby on NCIS. Same hair, coloring, personal style, chirpy warm personality.
Oh she's my favorite one!
Matt, I hope your dad's clot clears up soon. And that that's his last trip to the hospital for a good long time.
My co-worker brought in pumpkin whoopie pies that his wife the professional baker made. so so yummy. the filling has little bits of crystallized ginger.
Meet Thumbelina, the world's smallest horse
Standing just 17 inches tall, she is never going to be a champion show-jumper.
In fact, the tiny mare is so small she would struggle to leap over a bucket.
But such things are of little concern for feisty Thumbelina who has just been officially recognised as the world's smallest horse.
The thing is 60 lbs. Kinda like a midsize dog.
How on earth do they find shoes for Thumbelina?
edit: Maybe they just twist some paperclips around to the right size.
There's an opposite to the crystal-clear clarity state. It's when you get only five hours of sleep. I know it now.
ION, jobs for philosophers came out today. Bob is on the market this year. It's weird thinking about moving to Philadelphia...or Birmingham...or West Virginia.
This is one of the strange things about academia. The good jobs are so sparse that you can’t decide where you want to live and then go find a job there. You can't even decide on a section of the country. In the year that you go on the job market there might be six good jobs open across the whole country. If you’re fourtunate enough to get a job offer, you’re going to move to one of those six random places, whether you want to live there or not. It’s a bit like opening to a random page in the Rand-McNally, pointing your finger, and hoping for the best.
Of course, once you win the Nobel prize you can move anywhere you want. I just keep the Rand-McNally by the phone, so I'm ready when Stockholm calls.
I had crystal-clear clarity at 5 am this morning. I knew with crystal-clear clarity that there was no way in hell I wanted to be awake at that moment.
Spent the next two hours fitfully sleeping and battling the cats for the bed.
I suspect I've been sleeping a little too much the last couple days. I'm going to try running on no sleep and adrenaline for awhile.
I've been reading my LJ flist all day long. Skip=950, and I still didn't reach the last post I read. Damn.
I'm sure that Thumbelina is fine barefoot.
See Rick's post under: reasons I do not have a PhD in Classical Archaeology, #23.
He neglects to mention that in some fields, i.e. mine, you can be in a different random place in the country every year for 5 years or so until you land a tenure-track job. And that's if you're *good*.
Oh, this is fun. One of our clients just sent us some software that one of their offices had done for them. It stopped working when changes to a different company's software broke it. Turns out the program has a bunch of
code that they illegally used. So I get to modify some of our software that was stolen and used by someone else.
But I'm serious about it being fun - it's interesting to see how they did things compared to our way.