A 6pm meeting is ridiculous. I thought the CIO's 4:30pm on Friday meetings were bad.
ION, one of our directors brought in a bunch of chocolate bars. It was bad enough that I had the first one, but then I had to go get a second a couple hours later. Oy. I wish I dealt with stress in ways that didn't involve eating crap.
IOON, the Mythbusters' latest movie myth special was good stuff. I got an inordanite amount of glee out of watching a real sword cleave a stainless steel replica clean through.
ETA: Well, crappity. Kodak changed the terms of service for their on-line galleries. Now you have to buy something from them once a year or they'll delete your pictures. Is not enough I have one of their stupid cameras?
I *just* realized why one of the tech's at the vet's office looks so familiar: she bears a passing resemblence to Abby on NCIS. Same hair, coloring, personal style, chirpy warm personality.
6:00 meetings should definitely include alcohol, for those who choose it.
nobody loves me everybody hates me I'm gonna eat a worm
bleh. what a bleh day.
YOU GUYS. Fergie confirmed the peeing-her-pants incident in Rolling Stone. [link]
Kalshane - buy the archival CD of all your images - then start up with a new image hosting place.
AM home. Meeting was 2 hours.
Kalshane - buy the archival CD of all your images - then start up with a new image hosting place.
I've already got them all on my PC still. Just annoyed by having to re-upload them some place else. I mean, I know it's a business and they're trying to make money, but I'm just "Dude, I have one of your cameras. I'm already a customer. Why screw me over?"
But maybe I have an over-developed sense of entitlement.
Where are all the cool kids getting their pictures hosted these days anyway?
AM home. Meeting was 2 hours.
That's so lame. {queue chanting headbangers}
I'm all about flickr. Which reminds me, I need to pay up for another pro year. I think if you don't pay up, you can only see your last 200 pics.
Tomorrow the temp is expected to be in the mid 50's when I go to work and approaching the low 30's when I come home. That's gonna be a lot of layers to lug on the train.
Yeah, there's a freeze warning for tomorrow night through Thursday morning.